Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Teaching Volume and a Freebie!

Yesterday I grab the snap cubes and had my students start to investigate volume of rectangular prisms.

They were each given 20 snap cubes and the worksheet below. You can get a copy here

After reviewing examples and non examples of rectangular prisms, I had the students work in groups to come up with as many rectangle prism as they could using all 20 cubes. 

The students sketched the prism and figured out the length, width and height of their creation.

They continued to manipulate the cubes until they had created several different prisms with their 20 cubes.

Most quickly realized that the volume was always going to be 20 cubic units. By the end of the lesson, many felt confident that they had figured out the algorithm. 

In other exciting news.............I am very close to reaching 100 followers at my TpT store. When I do, I am going to have a very special sale that only my  TpT followers will be notified about. Head over to my store and become a follower so you too will be notified when I hit 100!

If you download and use the freebie, I would love to hear about it.


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