On October 6th my students and I helped kick off Global Read Aloud by starting The 14th Goldfish by Jennifer Holm. You can check out my first post here. My students loved this story and enjoyed connecting with another classroom in New England.
We used Kidblog to connect to our blog buddies and it was an amazing experience for my students. Reluctant writers posted and commented from home at night. My students that excel in ELA have a venue to expand their thoughts and share ideas they wouldn't normally do in the classroom. Shy students who normally don't share in class commented on classmates blog posts.
I wish I could share our classroom blog but my school requires that only our two classes have access to the blog posts.
The 14th Goldfish is a great read aloud. If you decide to use it in your classroom, here is the link to Jennifer Holm reading the finally chapter of her book. There is also a Q&A with Jennifer here.
What are your favorite read aloud books?